Little More about me.

I am your friendly neighborhood scientist with a passion for both celestial wonders and the world of data science.
I was born and raised in Bangalore, India, in a Hindu Tamil Brahmin family, affectionately known as Tambrahms. Growing up, I faced numerous challenges that shaped my resilience and curiosity. My journey into the realm of science began with a fascination for the night sky during trips to the frigid foothills of the Himalayas. This awe for the universe eventually became my academic passion, leading me to another picturesque locale surrounded by nature, Utah!
During my PhD studies in astrophysics, I delved into the mysteries of galaxy evolution. As a graduate researcher in the groups of Prof. Anil C. Seth and Prof. Gail Zasowski, I focused on analyzing vast amounts of astronomical data to understand stars and galaxies. My work involved countless hours of studying observed celestial objects, interpreting complex datasets, and creating detailed models and visualizations of the universe’s structure and behavior. This experience instilled in me a profound appreciation for transforming raw data into compelling stories and insights.
Today, I am a Senior Data Scientist, where I act as a detective with data. I create and leverage machine learning models to transform large datasets into valuable insights. My work involves predicting trends, uncovering hidden patterns, and optimizing processes to help my company tailor insurance policies, predict risks, and enhance customer experiences. My goal is to make data not only useful but also exciting, ensuring personalized, top-notch service for our high-net-worth clients.
When I’m not working, I enjoy cooking, travelling, hiking, and diving into a good book. Utah’s stunning outdoors have been a perfect backdrop for my adventures in recent years. Recently, I moved to New York and am loving the opportunity to explore the great outdoors in the Northeast, adding a new dimension to my love for nature and outdoor activities. As a dedicated dog mom, I also cherish spending time traveling and training my loyal companion, Frodo.
I'm an eternal learner, always exploring the latest advancements in AI and ML. I believe in the magic of data to unlock new possibilities and solve real-world problems. Whether it’s a new project or a late-night coding session, I'm always ready to dive into the data universe.
If you share my excitement for data science, AI/ML, or the mysteries of the universe, let’s connect! Whether it's collaborating on a project or discussing the latest tech trends, I'm eager to hear from you.